Friday, June 17, 2016

Weird week

This week we had our disability lesson on Wednesday instead of on Friday, so it was a mixed up week! Monday we discussed abuse and poverty. Wednesday we learned about traumatic brain injury. Finally on Friday we looked at a teachers way of teaching and looked at things we liked about it and such.

Talking about abuse and poverty was saddening. It is sad that those things have to happen especially to children without control. We watched Dr. Mike Evans Saving Brains. I would recommend watching it. We talked about the most important days in a child's life and how 1/3 of children never reach their full potential. I won't ruin the whole thing for you, but it talked about stress and good and bad stress. Relationships are important to children and play is children's work.

Wednesday we talked about TBI (traumatic brain injury). These injuries affect education at some point and make some things very difficult. They come from falls, vehicle crashes, and assaults. There are mild TBI and serious TBI. A mild TBI would be something similar to a concussion or something. Serious TBI causes physical impairments or mental impairments.
Teachers are responsible for making sure there are accommodations and adaptations for these children. There are also a lot of resources for TBI. One thing we did to simulate TBI was trace a star only looking in a mirror. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is. This is the frustration people with TBI feel.

Finally Friday we read about a teacher who did a lot with social things. The classroom had three special needs children and she had a special education teacher who comes in some of the time to help. I talked about how she can work with the special education teacher and use that resource to the fullest advantage.

Overall this week was weird because we mixed up the days, but it was good to learn about TBI. It was beneficial to understand more about abuse and poverty and talking about how to use a teacher helper to the fullest was great.

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