Friday, July 15, 2016

Last week!

This is the last reflection I will write for this class. It is now over. It was good, but I am glad it's all done. Monday we talked about responding to student behavior and got our final. Wednesday we worked on our final. Friday we graded our finals. It was a good week.

Monday we talked about FBA which is functional behavioral analysis. MD is manifestation determination. BIP is behavior improvement plan. We discussed the behavior of children with disabilities and that sometimes it is because of their disability that they have behavior that isn't good. This is what the FBA is for. FBA analyses the behavior and decides if it is because of the disability or not. This is when a BIP is made. This is a plan put in place to discuss how to improve the behavior, even if it is improved slowly.

Wednesday we worked in our group to finish the final. We discussed what to do on Monday and split things up, but then on Wednesday we finalized it, so it would be ready for our peers to grade on Friday. It was a very productive day.

Friday is here! This was our last class. It was definitely beneficial to learn about the different kinds of disabilities and to know what to do with them in the classroom. We graded two different exams from two groups. One did fantastic! The other was good. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow.

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